All posts tagged: Entrepreneur

Check Yo Self!

So, I’ve been off my blogging game for a minute, largely because I’ve been so focused on other endeavors. If you follow me on instagram or facebook, you should know that I’ve taken this whole Adventure Culture concept to the next level. Not only am I doing freelance photography and writing full-time, I have also launched a new collection of apparel for Dirt Wife, “For the women who love the men who love motocross”. CONFESSION TIME: With all this busy business, it’s easy to get snarky. When the pressure is on, it is extra important to sit back and check yo self! My family is my support system; they encourage me daily and are subsequently on the front line of emotional backlash. I think anyone who is truly honest with themselves can recognized that they are more testy with loved ones – possibly because we feel comfortable being totally vulnerable in front of them. Not my finest hour… SOMETHING FEELS OFF: These life and work changes were once a dream and I feel so fortunate to be able to pursue my …

Feeling Exposed With Alea Lovely

Alea Lovely Author | Photographer | Designer | Entrepreneur | Twitter & Instagram: @alealovely Now and then I come across a captivating, go-getter who makes me feel equally motivated & incompetent. You know, those people who make you think you can do anything (which you can) while simultaneously realizing you haven’t worked as hard as you thought (work smarter)?! In all seriousness, Alea Lovely has a very fitting name; she is a gentle-hearted woman with unmeasurable spirit and tenacity. Of course it would make sense that such an impressionable person would have a very compelling back-story. Alea embarked on a huge adventure when she moved to London to be with her then boyfriend-now husband. Her story initiated the topic of national exposure, which she says all starts with a BIG-ASK! Keys To Achieving National Exposure From Alea Lovely 1. The power of your BIG-ASK! What do you want? Understand, there is no “making it” in this business. If you’re a good entrepreneur you will never “make it” because you will always want more. 2. Stick out like a sore thumb! Be extraordinary! Don’t do what everyone else is doing. If you’re looking at someone thinking, …