Career, Faith, Lifestyle, Marriage
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Prefrontal Cortex Issues

We periodically experience these seasons of identity discovery; where we feel like what we’ve been doing doesn’t seem to align with what we feel in our spirit.

I used to think this was a sign that something was wrong and an internal evaluation was needed. After stumbling through a quarter-life crisis, I was able to reflect with wisdom -aka- get a grip! You think I’m joking? Oh no! This season lasted from about 18-23. My logical husband would argue that my Prefrontal Cortex was not fully developed…yawn!


Nevertheless, this season went something like: “Dating isn’t fun anymore, when is Mr. Right going to show up? What the heck?! I thought a degree made me exempt from recession! Did I get the right degree? My body doesn’t look like it used to. It wasn’t my fault! Why did I do that? Get me out of this town! Being broke sucks, but asking mom and dad for help when you’re “an adult” sucks worse.” Sound familiar?

Now, I’ve been married to a wonderful human for almost 2 years & ironically found my dream job back in the place I wanted to get away from. I’ve lost friends, but kept the ones who made me a better friend. Though I still battle with occasional regret or what ifs, I have a lot of experiences to be thankful for (Listen: The Day Before You, Matthew West). Why then, do I feel so complacent?

First, I questioned my integrity, “Am I being selfish or ungrateful? Will I ever be satisfied?” I came to this conclusion: It’s important to find fulfillment in what we have because there is no guarantee we’ll have any better. Still, we are doing ourselves a disservice if we aren’t consistently trying to develop, improve, learn, grow etc.

We set goals for ourselves, and once we reach that goal, we find ourselves momentarily blissful until boredom sets in. Why? Because we have achieved and now need a new goal.

“Make the program better…Make what you offer better…make the product better.” Patty Azzarello, RISE

Evolution Of Self: My dear friend Sara of has executed personal growth with class and grace. She took a hobby, her “passion for savvy fashion”, and began an insta-journal of her unique style. Instagram success gained her sponsorships, partnerships & ultimately the development of a successful blog where she is able to connect with loyal followers on a more personal level. She didn’t stop there! Sara’s ambition to grow and succeed helped her earn both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, in addition to a successful event planning career.

As you begin to plan your New Year’s resolutions, I hope you will start with finding joy in what you have.  When a craving for change arises, first, look inside and renew your way of thinking – a New Year could simply mean a new or better way of doing things.

We don’t need to reinvent the wheel, just make it a better ride.

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